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Inoculation represents one of the most important clinical explorations in the context of medicine and homepage has also made an essential contribution to increasing the lifespan of human populations.

Inoculation represents one of the most important scientific discoveries in the history of medicine and has also made a fundamental contribution to increasing the lifespan of human populations.

Advances in understanding have, on the one hand, clarified the activity devices of injections, the application of which was first made on a speculative basis.

Progress in recent years

Both in the fields of bacteriology, virology, immunology and in the mathematical modeling of infections have in fact opened up horizons which were previously unthinkable in the field of clinical research1.

Today, alongside the growing timeline of new injections against communicable diseases, research is flourishing on vaccines against cancer cells, high blood pressure, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, and addictions.

Vaccination has in fact been defined as one of the greatest clinical explorations ever carried out by man, the importance of which is similar, in terms of health impact, to the opportunity to offer drinking water consumption of alcohol to the population2.
From then on, inoculations are evaluated from a scientific point of view and their massive application has indeed been envisaged through their advantages in terms of epidemiological as well as professional results.

The principle of activity of vaccinations is represented by an active booster against infections, obtained by direct exposure to an extremely small quantity of contagious agents in suspension (viruses or germs, killed or mined or regularly part of them) which simulate the natural infection without causing condition, they activate all the systems of recognition and also defense by the immune system, which will therefore have the capacity to eliminate the virus when the immune subject is subjected to the infection.

  • Obviously, these devices were not known when the very first injection was introduced (smallpox: Edward Jenner 1749-1823), because inoculation was then exercised according to an empirical concept.
  • It was a little later that the evolution of medical science clarified a number of reasons for efficacy under controlled conditions (experimental research) and also in the field (“efficacy”) of injections.

In particular, explorations in the field of bacteriology (starting with Louis Pasteur) as well as virology, between the end of the 19th century and also the very first years of the 20th century, led to an ever greater possibility of discussing the activity systems, but additionally to find brand new candidate vaccines for the prevention of frightening communicable diseases.

The advancement of cell culture systems for viruses in the late 1940s (many thanks also to Nobel laureates Enders, Weller and also Robbins) further inspired research into suspension and real-time attenuated viral vaccinations .

If we appreciate the mechanisms of vaccinology as well as its origins, it seems very unacceptable that certain schools of thought today intend to oppose inoculations with alternative medicines such as homeopathy, whereas vaccination, seen below above, is a homeopathic act par excellence, according to what the owner of homeopathy himself specifies (Samuel Hahnemann 1755-1843).

Similia similibus curantur

Similia similibus curantur

  • Diseases are treated with their peers, that is, with drugs that produce in the healthy subject the particular signs and symptoms of the disease to be combated.
  • The difference is that vaccination, using the “similar concept” (rather than the principle of “opposites” philosophically attributed to typical medicine) must precede contamination.

For this reason, we can also define vaccinology as natural preventive “scientific research”.

We intend to highlight the term “scientific research”, because past the disquisition that the concept is philosophically “similar” or “opposite” to the condition, what matters is that it works and also confirmed d from a clinical point of view. Especially since it is precisely in the constantly evolving field of immunology that vaccinations prove clinical, both in the reproduction of the opportunities for translation of the systems of their activity and in the multiplication of the opportunities for avant-garde of unprecedented prevention. as well as therapeutic strategies.

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